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Matcha Milk Jam Recipe

Matcha Milk Jam Recipe

This month we decided to highlight a very trendy ingredient in a less trendy  fashion. Even if you’re not a matcha connoisseur you’ve likely tried your fair share of matcha lattes, but how often have you had matcha powder incorporated into your food?


All month we’ve been running 2x matcha specials, and you’ve got one weekend left to try them. But if you’re out of town, or just want this feeling to last, we’ve decided to share our matcha milk jam recipe with you, so that you can share it with your toast, and your friends too, if you’re being generous.





1 Pint Milk

1 Pint Cream

Milk Powder 20 grams (~4% weight of Milk)

Tapioca Starch 7 grams (~1.5% weight of Milk)

High Grade Matcha Powder (to taste)


Whisk all ingredients in a bowl or directly into a cooking pot. On low heat cook slowly, using your spatula to stir often. Around 45 minutes in you will start to notice that as you push your spatula from the bottom of one side of the pot to the other, a trail line follows. When the line is clearly visible and stays for a good “one Mississippi” after you push through, the it is finished cooking.

Immediately transfer to bowl and let cool. Once cool, place saran on top of the milk jam and then place into the fridge.


Allow 6-12 hours for jam to set, then remove from refrigeration and use a fine mesh shaker to add in matcha slowly, whisking until the matcha is entirely distributed before adding more to taste. Place back into the fridge to set for a few hours, the color will become vibrant as it sets.




Your jam will need to be refrigerated, but will keep for up to a week!


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